POLAND, The regional group...
The group was established in 1995 and works under the...
POLAND, The group „Biołodunajcanie”...
The group was founded in 2004 and operates at the...
BULGARIA, Sider Voivoda group
Upper Oriachowica is located on the bank of the Yantra...
HUNGARY, The Zamplén Folk...
The western Carpathians mountain range extends to the Tokajsko-Slańsk mountain...
ITALY, Traditional Academy Popular...
In the north eastern part of Sardinia stretches the rocky...
MEXICO, The group Arte...
In north-eastern Mexico, on the border with the U.S. state...
PORTUGAL, Folclòrico Dr Gonҫalo...
In the northern part of Portugal in the valley Cavado...
UKRAINE, Bukovina Song and...
In the south-western part of Ukraine is the Czernowitz region....