In the French region of Aquitaine is Bayonne, close to the border with Spain. In this part of the Pyrenees is the highest peak, Pic d’Orhy (2,017 metres a.s.l.),
where Basques live. Here French culture is connected with the Spanish Basque country.
Orai-bat was founded in 1963 and the traditions of this ethnic group are the basis of their repertoire. Basque music and dances are popular at international
festivals and events, in which the group is involved.
During this year’s Zakopane festival Orai-bat’s program will connect the provinces of Navarre (Navarra), Basse-Navarre (Baxe-Nafarroa) and Soule (Xibenna). During
the presentation we will see “Joaldunak”, with dancers in sheep clothing and large cow bells on their backs. The “Godalet Dantza” (glass dance), with competing
dancers, or “Garota”, a ritual dance with pagan origins.
All the dances represent the typical highland and pastoral traditions of the Basque country.