The group was created in 1969 and it works with Limanowski culture house and has participated in tens of festivals in Poland and abroad, winning many awards and distinctions. It took its name from the town and the region. The aim of the group is to cultivate the folklore of Lach region, situated in the Beskid Wyspowy. Their repertoire are songs, rituals and customs, such as, “Obigrowka”, Podłaźniki”, and “Jasełka” (nativity play).
The folk group also presents distinctive dances in 2/4 time signature spontaneous and dynamic, reflecting the temperament of the people living in the Limanowski land. The music of the region are polka dances , such as, “Cięta”, ”Raśka”, “Cicha”, Suwana” and ” Na Jedną Nogę” and dances showing actions, such as, blacksmith, shoemaker and mower.
During the Zakopane festival competition we will see the program, “Ograbek.” Just before harvest a farmer orders people to help. For the young he promises that after the completion of field operations he would arrange for them, musicians to entertain, so-called, “Obrzynek.”
The first swath is performed by a wealth person, who forecasts an abundant harvest and successful completion of work. The first handful of grain cut by the head farmer is then made into a straw rope and bound up around his waist.
Just before the end of work reapers give the signal to “plait” (“Orgabka”), or wreath made from cut down ears of grain (oats), where flowers and colourful ribbons are plaited, also fruits. The wreath is carried to the host farmer’s house with the accompaniment of music. He welcomes the reapers. The host farmer dances with the labour champion and the rejoicing lasts until dawn.
The group wish to be in the 1st category: Traditional.