Upper Oriachowica is located on the bank of the Yantra river in the Bulgarian province of Veliko Tărnovo. The highest peak is Botĕv (2,376 metres a.s.l.). The
Sider Voivoda was founded in 1953 in the Upper Oriachowica situated at the foot of the Balkans.
For more than sixty years of their history they have performed over 3,000 concerts for over 3,5 million viewers and they won 15 gold medals and rewarded with many
prizes during international events and folk festivals.
The repertoire of Sider Voivoda covers folklore from all Bulgarian ethnographic areas: Dobroudzha, Radopsko, Shopsko, Prinsko, Trakla and Moesia.
During the Zakopane festival the Bulgarian ensemble will present an interesting program associated with “Rusalski Week”, which is connected with the magic time, starting 51 days after Easter. “Rusalski Week” is the period of interpenetration of the human world and the afterlife, time overflowing in importance of practice and time to celebrate “Căluşari” – magical healing ritual dance.