Slovakia ”Zobor”
On the seven hills, just off the southern slopes of the Trybec mountains, is one of the oldest Slovakian towns. It has the same name as the nearby Nitra river. This picturesquely located academic centre was once an important cultural and religious centre. Today many architectural monuments are reminiscent of it, with the towering monumental ensemble (Nitriannsky castle) dominating the city. Situated in the south-west of Slovakia, the Nitra region also has a medieval wine tradition dating back to the Middle Ages. Zobor’s group from Nitra will perform them during their festival performances. The name of the folk group comes from the highest peak of the area in the Zobor mountains (586.9 metres a.s.l.). The artists will present a humorous program entitled, “Who Wants to Drink Wine?”, inspired by the process of producing this liquor. The language of the scenic story will be music and dance coming from the area of Nitra.
The group wish to be in category II: artistic