Russia-Yakutia „Severnaya Raduga”
Formally one should recognize that a team of three groups and one singer come to Zakopane from Russia. However, in order to reflect on the cultural diversity and vastness of the region of origin, we should acknowledge the visitors from Yakutia. This area is ten times larger than Poland and covers up to three time zones. The musicians and dancers come from central and western parts of Yakutia, a region with a difficult climate and a low population density. The performances refer to the tradition of the Kisilyakh mountains, which are part of the Czerski mountain range. “Kisilyakh” in jakukim means stone people, indeed the rocks resemble human silhouettes. Due to their untypical appearance over the centuries they were considered to be the seat of supernatural beings and the dominant shamanism in Yakutia was surrounded by a number of prohibitions: Talba, Tiuhiulge, Makhtal and solo singer, Evdokiyi Pavlovej will be able to perform at this year’s MFFZG. Musicians, apart from rehearsals and performances, devote their time and energy to the study of the Sachs folklore (so-called Yakats). Thanks to their passion and persistent work they succeed in upholding and spreading the centuries-old Sacha tradition. In the festival program we find, among others: unique shamanic dances, unique “Toyuk” singing and virtuoso performances on the Yakutian drum instrument.
The group wish to be in category II: artistic