Macedonia “Skopje”
At the foot of Mount Wodno (1,066 metres a.s.l.) is located, sometimes called the city of monuments, Skopje. The capital of Macedonia also gave its name to the region from which the members of the association “Skopje” come from. The group of more than five hundred (aged 7 to 33) Macedonia folk lovers celebrate their 22 nd birthday this year. For over two decades of its activity, “Skopje” has gained a reputation among Macedonian folklore groups and has won significant awards at international festivals. Although the artists come from the area of the already mentioned capital, they are concerned with the protection and promotion of folklore throughout the country. This year’s International Festival of Highland Folklore will be able to admire three dances typical of the north of Skopje and the eastern part of the country. The most famous of them comes from the valley crossing Skopje, Wardaru-Povadarie. Carefully prepared costumes and choreography, perfected in every respect, guarantee a performance worthy of the most demanding audience.
The group wish to be in category III: stylized