The foundation for folk dance and education has for 26 years promoted Turkish culture, both in the scientific and artistic way. It teaches folk dance from
pre-school age and for other age groups. Runs courses of theoretical and practice of folk dances, folk music and folk theatres. Actively promotes in the national
and international arena, Turkish folklore groups, working with researchers and experts. Organises conferences, panel discussions and concerts and for these
activities has won awards. The foundation assembly “MOTIF” twice won first prize at the Zakopane International Festival of Highland Folklore (2001 and 2007).
At this year’s festival “MOTIF” will present a program based on the folklore of several mountainous provinces of Turkey: Gaziantep, Bingol, Tokat and Trabzon and
Fethiye towns in the province of Muğla. The audience will be initiated into the supernatural abilities of the Turkish shaman. Then watch the joyful dance of the
shepherds from the Nur mountains situated in southern Turkey, as well as a series of dances related with folklore of the inhabitants of other mountain ranges
chosen provinces: “Halay”, “Teke”, “Ormuz Halayi” and “Horon.”