The famous Peruvian violinist connected with the region of Ayacucho for the second time in his career will come to the International Festival of Highland Folklore
in Zakopane (the first time was in 2006), to present his skills and interpretation during the performance of traditional Peruvian music.
The town of Ayacucho is in the Peruvian Anders at an altitude of 2,752 metres a.s.l. It is the capital of the province of Huamanga and the whole region of
Especially a lot of inspiration in the development of his artistic career, Andrés Lares León drew from musical traditions of the people of the Valle de
In Zakopane we will see to the traditional Indian dances of Peru, which were listed as a UNSECO representative of the intangible cultural heritage, including “Dancing with the Scissors.” It is a ritual dance of the Quechua Indians, who live in the central-southern part of Peru, carried out during the dry season in the most important moments of the agricultural calendar. The name comes from the attribute held by each of the dancers in his right hand, a pair of iron shiny bars (scissors). During the performance the dancer, with the violinist and harpist creates the team (cuadrilla), which is a representation of the particular village or community. Teams then compete against each other, which can take up to 10 hours and requires a lot of mental toughness and excellent dance skills.