The group was established in 1989 in Licata in Sicily. It was founded by a young Sicilian folk enthusiast with the intention of maintaining it alive for future
generations and promoting it in the country and abroad. Currently the number of members is about 40 and the dance groups consists of 12 pairs. Their repertoire
includes traditional Sicilian dances, such as “Tarantella” (very spontaneous, performed on different occasions), “Controdanza” (typical wedding dance) and “Polka”
( dance after harvesting is completed).
The group also has a choir of 30 people, including a soloist, who perform ancient Sicilian songs, plus some of their own compositions and a small orchestra playing
on traditional instruments.
The group members wear colourful costumes typical for the eighteenth century. The girs dresses are coated with a satin embroidery and with laces , are
Also, in recent years they have begun to collect the elements of Sicilian cultural materials, with plans for a museum.
During their performances they try to refer to the rhythm of the Sicilian countryside and life of two centuries ago. The program includes images of work in the
fields- the selection of grains for sowing and ploughing. A prayer for a good harvest, thanksgiving prayer, festival songs and dances and traditional Sicilian
tarantella. In a similar way is presented harvesting, wine making and the work of Sicilian fishermen. Every performance is crowned with spontaneous songs and